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Elie Isenberg-Grzeda

Dr. Isenberg-Grzeda received his undergraduate degree in physiology (honors) from McGill University in Montreal (class of 2005). He attended medical school at McGill University and graduated from the MDCM program (class of 2009). He then moved to New York for his residency in adult psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center / Albert Einstein College of Medicine (2009-2013). There, he was also chief resident in his final year of training. He went on to pursue a fellowship in Psychosomatic Medicine and Psycho-Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (2013-2015). In his final year of fellowship, he was also chief fellow in psychiatry.
While a resident, Dr. Isenberg-Grzeda spearheaded the development of Montefiore/Einstein’s first ever Residents-As-Teachers program in psychiatry, and for his efforts he was awarded the Leo M. Davidoff Society Award for Outstanding Teaching. Dr. Isenberg-Grzeda is co-investigator on several research protocols and author of numerous peer-reviewed publications. He has presented at conferences locally and internationally and is the recipient of multiple awards including the William Webb Fellowship of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, an annual award given in recognition of leadership and career potential in psychosomatic medicine psychiatry.
Research Synopsis
Research interests include the neuropsychiatric effects of thiamine-related encephalopathy and nonalcohol-related Wernicke encephalopathy in cancer patients, patient-physician communication in end of life, and mental health care delivery in the medically ill.