Oct 7, 2021  |  8:45am - 2:00pm

6th Annual Continuing Professional & Practice Development (CPPD) Day

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CPPD Day fosters collaboration in Quality Improvement (QI) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) between faculty, to meet the shared goal of improving patient care.

View the programme

Submit an abstract - Deadline Steptember 20, 2021

This year’s speakers include:

Dr. Ted Everson & Dr. Mary Manno
QI Partnership Program: The Future of Continuing Professional Development

Dr. Allison Crawford
ECHO: Coping with COVID at CAMH

Dr. Janet Ellis, Dr. Rosalie Steinberg
Nice and STEADY - Implementing a Staff Wellness Program at Sunnybrook during a Pandemic/ Wellness & Resiliency Workshop

Dr. Certina Ho, Dr. Karen Wang
Coach’s Corner: Informal Coaching & QI Mentoring

Dr. Julie Maggi
Wellness and Resiliency Plenary Presentation

Conference Co-Chairs – Dr. Karen Wang and Dr. Marlene Taube-Schiff