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New Faculty Orientation

This program is an opportunity to welcome new faculty that have joined the University of Toronto’s Department of Psychiatry. It provides an introduction to the academic roles and responsibilities of faculty and provides tips on how begin a successful academic career. It also offers an opportunity for new faculty to meet their fellow colleagues.
New Faculty Orientation 2022
Part 1: Welcome, Roles, Mentorship, and Tips for Success
Faculty Orientation 2022 Part 2: Workshop on Research
Orientation for Faculty 2022: Slides
Part 4: Diverse mentorship and mentorship for diversity slide deck
Part 5: Building an Academic Career in Quality Improvement Slide Deck
New Faculty Orientation 2021
Orientation Day 2021 Agenda
Welcome, Roles, Mentorship, and Tips for Success
The first installment of Faculty Orientation covers welcome and introductions, the role of the Psychiatrist-In-Chief, the role of faculty in undergraduate education, Postgrad Education, Supervision, CBD, Planning an Academic Career, and Mentorship.
Joining the Department of Psychiatry - Slides
The Role of the Psychiatrist-In-Chief - Slides
Undergraduate Psychiatry A Guide to Faculty - Slides
Residency 101 - Slides
Mentorship Program Mentee Workshop 2021 - Slides
Workshop on Research
A session on starting a career as a scientist with Dr. Krista Lanctot and Dr. Ben Goldstein.
Mentorship: Developing Skills as a Mentee
Dr. Karen Leslie speaks about getting the most out of mentorship as a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry.
New Faculty Orientation - Starting a Career in Patient Safety/QI
New Faculty Orientation - Starting a Career in Teaching and Education Scholarship
Explore pathways and strategies for starting a career in patient safety/QI and starting a career in teaching and education scholarship.