Advocacy Day 2024

Advocacy Day 2024 Presentations

View the detailed program and speaker bios

How Can We Prevent Heat-Related Illness in People with Severe & Persistent Mental Illness?

Presenters: Dr. Samantha Green, Family Physician; Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum, Psychiatrist

Out of the Cold: Advocacy Efforts on Respite Centres in Toronto

Presenter: Dr. Talveer Mandur, PGY-4 resident & 2023 Zofia Pakula Social Justice Award winner

Education as Advocacy: Developing the E-Learning Course Hot and Bothered: A Primer on Climate Change for Psychiatry Residents

Presenter: Dr. Emma Gregory, PGY-6 Geriatric Psychiatry subspecialty resident

Exploring the Intersection of the Indigenous Voice, Climate Change, and Health

Presenter: Dr. Ojistoh Horn, Family Physician, Akwesasne Medical Clinic; Department of Family Medicine, McGill University

Panel Discussion

Presenters: Drs. Samantha Green, Ojistoh Horn, Sean Kidd
Moderators: Drs. Michaela Beder, Kenneth Fung