Donald Wasylenki Education Day 2021 - Presentations and Posters

The goal of Donald Wasylenki Education Day is to engage faculty, staff, and trainees in the Department in further developing their knowledge and skills in teaching and education. We're pleased to share the presentations and posters from Donald Wasylenki Education Day 2021 below.

View the programme for Donald Wasylenki Education Day 2021.

To commemorate our 10th anniversary, Dr. Susan Lieff, original creator of DWED, recorded a message about the event's history and what this year’s program has to offer. 

Introduction and Plenary Presentation

Dr. Shaheen Darani, Dr. Benoit Mulsant, and Dr. Donald Wasylenki introduce the 10th annual Donald Wasylenki Education Day, followed by Dr. Allison Crawford's plenary presentation, Virtual by Design: Exploring what learners and supervisors need to know to provide equitable and safe virtual care.

Supervising Virtual Care Workshop

Dr. Karen Leslie and Dr. John Teshima provide a framework for supporting trainees who are delivering care virtually.

View the Supervising Virtual Care presentation slides.

PRIMER for Teaching & Supervision in Virtual Care

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility in Online Learning and Teaching

Anita Balakrishna and Dr. Alpna Munshi explore inclusion and accessibility related issues that may arise in the online learning environment.

View the presentation slideshow.

View and download the workshop handout.

Responding to & Addressing Microaggressions & Practicing Critical Allyship

Beck McNeil presents on practices to respond to and address microaggressions in the learning environment.

View the presentation slideshow.

Poster Presentations

View the poster presentations from DWED 2021. Poster presentations at DWED 2021 took place virtually. Presenters created and uploaded their posters with a 3-minute recorded audio description of their work..