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Wendy Chow

Wendy Chow, a registered social worker who obtained her Master of Social Work Degree from the University of Hong Kong and is currently the Program Manager of Cultural Diverse Assertive Community Treatment Team and Mental Health Court Support Program.
Wendy was appointed as a Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto in 2011, preceptor of student placements at York University and Ryerson University, and the Head of International Education by the Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hospital in July 2008 as well as being appointed the Vice-President of Communications of the Ontario Assertive Community Treatment Team Association in April 2008.
Wendy has provided training to mental health professionals in Japan, China, and Ireland regarding the implementation and operation of assertive community treatment team since 2001. The program won the American Psychiatric Foundation Advancing Minority Mental Health Award 2007 and the Leading Practices Award presented by Ontario Hospital Association 2007.
Wendy is the principle author of the Cultural Competency Training Manual for Law and Mental Health Professionals, Multi-Family Psycho-Education Group for Assertive Community Treatment Clients and Families of Culturally Diverse Background: A Pilot Study, and Cultural Competent Assertive Community Treatment Team. She is the co-author of the one year outcome of Mount Sinai ACTT, Comparative study of two ACT Teams: Canada and Japan.
Research Synopsis
Evaluation of Assertive Community Treatment Team and Cultural Competency Service Delivery