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Ofer Agid

Dr. Ofer Agid is staff psychiatrist in the Schizophrenia Program and medical leader of the Home Intervention for Psychosis (HIP) team at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. He is also Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Agid’s research focus is psychopharmacology in schizophrenia, specifically early response to antipsychotic medications and early predictors of response. His work has uncovered a new “early onset of action” hypothesis of antipsychotics, which has impacted current practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia.
As the medical leader of the HIP team, Dr. Agid initiated an algorithm-based treatment approach for first-episode schizophrenia while collecting extensive clinical data regarding treatment response. This algorithm was implemented in order to optimize antipsychotic treatment during the earliest stages of the illness, a critical time period in terms of longer-term outcomes. This systematic and standardized approach has resulted in a large and comprehensive database; the published data to date have provided clear, empiric evidence that clinicians can use in approaching the pharmacological management of first-episode schizophrenia. It has also challenged current practice patterns and proven valuable in examining trajectories of response.
In addition, Dr. Agid is involved in investigating patterns of non-adherence and placebo response, examining value systems and happiness in schizophrenia with an emphasis on the relationship to, and influence on, functional outcomes.