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Natasha Snelgrove

Dr. Natasha Snelgrove completed her medical school at University of Alberta in 2011 and then completed her residency in Psychiatry at McMaster University. She works in student health at both University of Toronto and McMaster University and holds faculty appointments at both sites. Clinically, she has an interest in working with young adults in the transition to adulthood. She also has a specific interest in treating eating disorders as a niche area of her general psychiatry practice.
She is passionate about medical education and actively teaches in both universities at which she works. She is also involved in education scholarship. As a psychiatrist, she also has significant interest in fostering wellness in medical school and residency, both through formal and informal curricula.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Natasha Snelgrove holds interests in eating disorder research and is an active collaborator in some ongoing review papers. She also holds interest in medical education scholarship, including training of residents in shared care, transitioning out of residency into practice, curriculum development methods, and optimal ways to prepare residents for their final OSCE examinations.