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Marion Olmsted

- PhD in Psychology
- Post- doctoral Fellowship in Psychotherapy Researc
Professional Memberships
- Member of the Eating Disorder Research Society, the Eating Disorders Association of Canada and a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders
1989 - 1994 University of Toronto, Post-Doctoral Fellow
1991 Certification: Registered Psychologist (#2361) College of Psychologists of Ontario, C.Psych.
1982 - 1989 York University Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
1979 - 1981 University of Guelph M.A. in Applied Social Psychology
1975 - 1979 University of Toronto B.Sc. (Hons.) Specialization in Psychology
Academic Scholarships and Fellowships
1989-1994 Ontario Mental Health Foundation Post-doctoral Research Fellowship
1994 American Psychological Association Scholarship to attend the Measurement of Change in Psychotherapy Conference, March 10-12, Nashville, Tennessee
Work History
Employed as a psychologist in the Eating Disorder Program at University Health Network since 1990. My career has focused on providing treatment for individuals with eating disorders, evaluating the effectiveness of treatments for eating disorders, developing treatments focused on relapse prevention and revising the treatment program at UHN based on the evolving evidence base related to treatment effectiveness and long term outcomes.
Research Synopsis
Treatment of eating disorders
Minimal interventions and speed of response
Relapse prevention
Recent Publications
1. Trottier, K., Monson, C., Wonderlich, S., MacDonald, D. E., & Olmsted, M. P. Frontline clinicians’ perspectives and utilization of trauma-focused therapy with individuals with eating disorders. Eating Disorders: Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 2017; 25: 22-36. doi:10.1080/10640266.2016.1207456.
2. MacDonald, D. E., McFarlane, T., Dionne, M. M., David, L., & Olmsted, M. P. Rapid response to intensive treatment in bulimia nervosa and purging disorder: A randomized controlled trial of an intervention to facilitate early behaviour change. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2017, 85, 896-908. doi:10.1037/ccp0000221
3. De Oliveira, C., Colton, P., Cheng, J., Olmsted, M.P. & Kurdyak, P. The direct health care costs of eating disorders among hospitalised patients: a population-based study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2017, 50, 1385-1393. DOI:10.1002/eat.22797.
4. Trottier, K., Monson, C., Wonderlich, S., & Olmsted, M. P. Initial Findings from Project Recover: Overcoming co-occurring eating disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder through integrated treatment. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2017, 30, 173-177.
5. MacDonald, D. E., Trottier, K., & Olmsted, M. P. Rapid improvements in emotion regulation predict intensive treatment outcome for patients with bulimia nervosa and purging disorder. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2017, 50, 1152-1161. doi:10.1002/eat.22766
Director and Co-head, Eating Disorder Program, University Health Network; Loretta Anne Rogers Chair in Eating Disorders at University Health Network and University of TorontoGrants
2015 - 2018 Trottier, K., Monson, C., Wonderlich, S., Colton, P., Olmsted, M. Eating Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Facilitating Full Recovery Through Empirically-Based Concurrent Treatment. Ontario Mental Health Foundation Research Grant
2016 – 2018 MacDonald, D., Trottier, K., & Olmsted, M. P. Elucidating rapid response through ecological momentary assessment: Is rapid response to cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders predicted by skillful response to negative emotions?”. University Health Network Centre for Mental Health Research Grant.
2018-2020 Trottier, K., MacDonald, D., Olmsted, M.P. Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Implementation of an Integrated Intensive Treatment Protocol for Eating Disorders and Co-occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Collaborative Academic Practice Research Operating Grant, University Health Network.
2018-2020 Trottier, K., MacDonald, D., Olmsted, M.P. Development and Implementation of an Integrated Intensive Treatment Protocol for Eating Disorders and Co-occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. WaterStone Foundation Award.