DPRD Award Winners 2022

Best Geriatric Poster Award

Emytis Tavakoli: How does a history of excessive alcohol consumption affect behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)? (Supervisor: Sarah Elmi)

Best Poster

Thomas Tan: Altered Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Functional Connectivity During concurrent fMRI-TMS In Major Depressive Disorder (Supervisor: Colin Hawco)

Best Presentation by a Graduate Student

Eman Nishat: Longitudinal evaluation of white matter microstructure in children with a history of concussion (Supervisor: Anne Wheeler)

Best Presentation by a Resident

Jennie Pouget: Asthma risk and severity in children of women with schizophrenia: A population-based cohort study (Supervisor: Simone Vigod)

Best Presentation by a Fellow

Sarah Smith: The Characteristics of Pediatric Patients Hospitalized with Eating Disorder Diagnoses in Ontario Over Time (Supervisor: Alice Charach)

Department of Psychiatry Research Day Newly Established Researcher Prize

Kathleen Bingham: The relationship of white matter microstructure with psychomotor disturbance and relapse in remitted psychotic depression