Annual Report 2022-2023: U of T Health and Wellness

Hospital Partner Reports

Submitted by Dr. Andrea Levinson, Psychiatrist-in-Chief

Student Mental Health at the University of Toronto

U of T has implemented a tri-campus Mental Health Services Redesign Process to streamline and simplify the pathways through which students access care. Highlights include:

  1. An open access system with One-At-A-Time therapy at the centre has been established, to streamline and simplify pathways to care. Students have same-day, easy access to multiple levels of resources and care–for many, a referral is not required, and there are often no wait times or advance appointments needed.
  2. An Acute Care Navigation Service (UTN) (a partnership between U of T and CAMH) was launched in September 2022, to support students with higher level and complex needs to utilize existing services and connect with community resources. U of T students are identified through the CAMH Emergency Department, Urgent Care and Inpatient Units and are referred to the Clinical Navigators. A cross appointed psychiatrist supports the U of T Navigation Service and U of T planning. UTN works collaboratively with the U of T Health Centres, crisis teams and community partners. The hospital Electronic Record (EMR) has been leveraged to measure impact and efficacy via measurement-based care. The Inlight Student Mental Health Research Initiative leads the research and evaluation which is integrated into the model.
  3. A tri-campus data quality project is being established to inform information-driven, consensus based decision-making, sharing tri-campus expertise and challenges, and transparency in tracking changes to the electronic medical record (EMR) to optimize data accuracy and reporting.