Submitted by Dr. Mark Rapoport, Director, Geriatric Psychiatry Subspecialty Program
University of Toronto PGME conducted our internal review in February 2023. You will recall that in 2021, the Royal College accreditation process identified 5 AFIs (Areas for Focused Improvement), and the internal reviewers wrote that all 5 of these have been addressed. We are in the process of preparing our Royal College Action Plan Outcomes Report (APOR) to be completed by the Fall of 2023.
The residency program committee has completed their review of all the special projects. Based on feedback from the June 2022 retreat, we have modified the outreach advocacy project to emphasize active advocacy for change, and modified the evaluation of the inpatient QI project to emphasize aspects of the leadership role. We have removed communicator cards from outpatients, the collaborator project from outreach, and the practice audit and the Leadership project from LAE.
In the last six months, we launched a new Teacher’s Guide for supervisors to ensure that they are aware of the curriculum and evaluation, as well as have helpful tips on issues pertaining to wellness and academic performance. We are in the process of implementing new policies for resident evaluation and remediation, and starting a new selection committee.