Annual Report 2022-2023: General psychiatry residency program

Program Reports

Submitted by Dr. Adrienne Tan, Director, General Psychiatry Residency Program

The 2022-23 academic year in the general psychiatry residency program has been focused on what is essential to preparing our residents for unsupervised, independent practice within a large and diverse community. Key achievements include:

1.       Curriculum and assessment

Residency program leadership has made iterative improvements to our assessment strategy aligned with a hybrid time and outcomes based approach in Competence by Design (CBD) alongside aligning assessment with a robust curriculum from PGY1-5. With a collaborative planning process that occurred in 2022-23, the residency program looks forward to the full implementation of Academic Half Days (AHD) throughout the program on Wednesdays in 2023-24, alongside supporting our double cohort of residents writing the Royal College exam in the spring 2024.

2.       Learner experience and well-being

The residency program continues to work with the Office of Learner Affairs (OLA) to support our residents. Within the program, we continue to work with our faculty teachers, educators, resident leaders and representatives on a variety of initiatives to continuously improve the clinical learning environment and learner experience including: revising and re-establishing our Program Evaluation Subcommittee, regular site safety reviews, bi-annual site and residency program surveys, enhancing protected time to attend AHD, and establishing our Learning Environment Working Group.

3.       Community building events

With the return of more in-person events across our core training sites, residents have benefited from regular “resident lunches” and other social events sponsored by hospital sites or PRAT. The residency program has also transitioned from virtual townhalls to in-person retreats to enhance dialogue and connection.

A heartfelt thanks to all our faculty and residents for all their contributions to our General Psychiatry Residency Program.