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Kenneth Schwartz

Dr. Ken Schwartz is a Psychiatrist at the Baycrest Psychiatric Day Hospital for Depressed Elderly. He serves as a Psychogeriatric Consultant at several nursing homes where he also is a group therapist. He is a graduate of the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis. His clinical areas of interest include group psychotherapy in the elderly, geriatric mood disorders and nursing home care. He has presented extensively at North American and International conferences on topics related to psychotherapy groups in the elderly and sexuality in nursing home residents. He has published various book chapters and articles in the International Journal of Group Therapy and Group journals. He has published an Intervention Manual for Psychotherapy Groups for Long-Term Care Residents.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Schwartz has received several grants to publish manuals on Psychotherapy Groups for Long-Term Care Residents and the Baycrest Psychiatric Day Hospital for Depressed Edlerly. He is also interested in researching potential barriers related to age and years of practice that interfere with group therapists choosing to lead older adult psychotherapy groups.