Jan 4, 2023

News Roundup - December 2022

By Anita Mazumdar-Moscato

Our faculty members frequently make appearances in the media as expert consultants or authors. This article summarizes the faculty media appearances that were featured in our Department newsletter in December 2022.

Group feedback during cognitive behavior therapy improves self-perceptions among people with social anxiety disorder

PsyPost. December 1, 2022. Featuring Dr. Judith M. Laposa and Dr. Neil A. Rector.

Dr. Laposa and Dr. Rector explore the benefits of cognitive behaviour therapy for patients struggling with social anxiety and negative self-perception.


Creative Pursuits

UofTMed Magazine. December 1, 2022. Featuring Dr. Pier Bryden.

Dr. Bryden shares her experience with utilising historical fiction as a creative outlet, and explains how having a creative pursuit improves her general well-being. 


Seasonal depression rides in with the winter

Daily Herald. December 4, 2022. Featuring Dr. Robert Levitan.

Dr. Robert Levitan discusses the particulars of Seasonally Affective Depression, or SAD.


Should Canada Allow Assisted Death for the Mentally Ill?

TVO's the Agenda. December 7, 2022. Featuring Dr. Sonu Gaind and Dr. Madeline Li.

Dr. Gaind and Dr. Li expand on the current debate surrounding Canada’s implementation of new euthanasia laws.


New Canadian Euthanasia Law

TalkTV. December 11, 2022. Featuring Dr. Sonu Gaind.

Dr. Gaind engages in a discussion about Canada’s new laws surrounding assisted suicide.


Psychopharmacology Conference Offers New Research, Prescribing Tips

Psychiatric Times. December 14, 2022. Featuring Dr. Roger McIntyre.

Dr. McIntyre leads a presentation about the differences in the presentation and management of Bipolar I and Bipolar II. 


Canada is expanding medical assistance in dying to include mental illness. It’s a policy built on quicksand

The Conversation. December 15, 2022. By Dr. Sonu Gaind.

Dr. Gaind weighs in on the debate on Canada’s euthanasia law and investigates the “myths and realities” that have fueled the expansion of MAID. 


Seasonal Affective Disorder

Carleton Journalism - Midweek. December 24, 2022. Featuring Dr. Michael Mak.

Dr. Mak expands on the common affliction of seasonal depression and engages in discussion with Carleton University students about its causes and effects.


This doctor gives poetry prescriptions to console patients dealing with a difficult diagnosis

The Globe and Mail. December 24, 2022. Featuring Dr. Allan Peterkin.

Dr. Peterkin explains the concept of bibliotherapy, while also exploring its history and potential benefits for patients. 


With eating disorders on the rise in Canada, experts break down common myths

CTV News. December 24, 2022. Featuring Dr. Blake Woodside.

Dr. Woodside discusses common misconceptions surrounding eating disorders and explains why they are incorrect and harmful to those struggling with EDs.