Assistant Professor

Zohar Waisman

Forensic Psychiatry


9225 Leslie Street, Suite 201, Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4B 3H6
Appointment Status

Professional Memberships

  • Member of the Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators
  • Member of the Canadian Association of Law and Mental Health

Dr. Z. Waisman is a graduate of McMaster University. He completed his residency and fellowship at the University of Toronto. He has worked at both primary and tertiary hospitals. Dr. Waisman holds two Royal College Subspecialty Designations in Forensic Psychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry. He has been appointed to both the Divisions of Law and Mental Health and Geriatrics. His interest in forensic psychiatry is primarily in civil litigation as it relates to personal injury, professional liability, and employment litigation. He has extensive experience as an expert witness and has been qualified as an expert witness in the areas of psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, PTSD, chronic pain, and the emotional consequences of injury at the provincial and superior court levels. Currently, Dr. Waisman divides his practice between his private practice, heading the neuropsychiatry and geriatric services at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, and at the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health.

Research Synopsis

Research interests at this time focus on educational curriculum development in the areas of psychosocial interventions for patients who sustained a traumatic brain injury and chronic pain.

Recent Publications

2016: Canadian Association of Geriatric Psychiatry- Online Review Course- chapter on Risk Assessment in Geriatric Psychiatry

2016: Waisman, Z., Upper Law Society of Canada, New Guides to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment as part of Oatley McLeish annual course


Centre for Addictions and Mental Health

Honours and Awards


2014: Education Scholars Program University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine

2011: Inaugural Dr. Peter Prendergast Award for Excellence in Education Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

2004: Abe Miller Award in Undergraduate Teaching University of Toronto