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Polina Perlman Danieli

Professional Memberships
Polina Perlman Danieli, M.D., Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and Assistant Professor at University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Perlman Danieli graduated from medical school at the Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. She completed her residency at Geha Mental Health Centre, a central psychiatric hospital serving a large and diverse urban population. Dr. Perlman-Danieli gained expertise in youth psychopathology and children’s development, both typical (the child and the family system) and atypical. After residency, she was an interdisciplinary team lead at the hospital’s outpatient clinic while providing consultations to ASD special-needs kindergartens. Dr. Perlman-Danieli is also passionate about career development, from the undergraduate stage via graduate medical studies to residency and as staff. A firm believer in mentorship as a pivotal tool for personal and professional development, she was a mentee in a national mentorship program focusing on early-career female physicians while having the privilege of guiding and mentoring junior residents.
Dr. Perlman Danieli joined the University of Toronto’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine as a fellow at The Hospital for Sick Children and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). After completing her fellowship, she became a staff within the Child and Family Services at CAMH, where she now works as a clinician-teacher focusing on inpatient youth with addiction and concurrent disorders. She is passionate about teaching and education and is particularly interested in exploring a new model in medical simulation.
Recent publications
Honours and Awards
Medical Alumni Association Liz Gillespie Award for Best Academic Paper in Child and Youth Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 2023.