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Peter Sutton

Dr. Sutton maintains a practice in Child and Adult Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis, focusing on individual psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, marital and family therapy. He also has an interest in medico-legal consultation and custody and access problems. Dr. Sutton has acted as a consultant to the child welfare agencies of Toronto, and other cities in Ontario, in providing assessment, written opinion and direct testimony. He has been involved in many cases of separated and divorced parents in which custody and access were problematic, including cases in which he was consulted concerning psychopathology in the child, cases in which he was involved in mediation, and cases in which he was retained by counsel to provide a formal assessment for court purposes.
He is a member of the Faculty of the Toronto Child Psychotherapy Program and of the Toronto and Ottawa Institutes of Psychoanalysis. He is the co-founder of the Infant Mental Health Promotion Project of Metropolitan Toronto (IMP), a major initiative to improve service to infants and parents within Metropolitan Toronto, and was for many years the Chairman of IMP.