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Mark Messih

- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship University of Rochester Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry (2020)
- General Adult Psychiatry Training Drexel University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry (2018)
- Doctor of Medicine St. George’s University, School of Medicine (2015)
- Diploma in Higher Education in Medical Sciences Northumbria University (2012)
- Master of Science: Medical Sciences University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine (2011)
- Honors Bachelor of Science (Genetics Specialization) Minor in Health Studies McMaster University, Faculty of Science (2007)
Professional Memberships
- APA Council on International Psychiatry
- APA Global Mental Health Caucus
- American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists
- American Medical Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- Movement for Global Mental Health
- Ontario Medical Association
- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
I have completed undergraduate and graduate studies in Ontario and completed medical training overseas including studies in the United Kingdom, Caribbean, US and Canada. Studying in a variety of healthcare systems has allowed me to appreciate relative strengths and areas for improvement in each. I have also focused studies on assessing patient outcomes including waitlist management projects with a clinic in Downtown Toronto, studies on Adverse Childhood Outcomes in an outpatient Philadelphia Practice and on pediatric presentation to the emergency department in Rochester New York. Research interests include global mental health, LGBTQ+ Mental Health, child and adolescent mental health and burnout. I am engaged in teaching medical students and trainees.
Research Interests
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Refugee Mental Health
- LGBTQ+ Mental Health
- Training Burn out
- Early Psychosis Intervention
Recent Publications
Messih, M. (Pending) Questioning Sexuality. In P. Levounis & E. Yarbrough (Eds). The LGBTQ2IAPA Pocket Guide. New York, NY: APA |
Messih M. & Yarbourgh E. Mental Health Facts for Gay Populations. American Psychiatric Association. (2018).
Messih, M. & Du, W. Game on: Addressing Resident Wellness and Burnout Within Training Programs. Acad Psychiatry (2018) 42: 171.
Messih M. Psychiatry and LGBT Patients: How can we do ‘better’? American Journal of Psychiatry Resident’s Journal. May 2017, 12 (5), p. 2
Messih M. How About a Game of Chess? Psychiatric Times. March 13, 2017.
Messih M, Mental Health in LGBT Refugee Populations. American Journal of Psychiatry: Resident’s Journal. July 2016, 11 (7), Pages. 5–7
Messih M, Emerson C, Thorsteinsdottir H, Fehlings MG, Daar A. Clinical translation of neuro-regenerative medicine in India: A study on barriers and enabling strategies Open Journal of Regenerative Medicine, June 2013, 2 (2), Pages 20-27
Hewson SM, Fehlings LN, Messih M, Fehlings MG. The challenges of translating stem cells for spinal cord injury and related disorders: what are the barriers and opportunities? Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, February 2013, 13 (2) Pages 143-150
Messih M. G8/G20 & The Global Health Agenda. The Lancet Student, July 12, 2010. |
Emerson C, Messih M, Singer P, Daar A (2007). Ethical Issues Emerging in Neuroregenerative Medicine. Regenerative Medicine, 2(5) (Abstract) Honours and Awards Strong Star - Award for Patient Care, University of Rochester Medical Center (2019) |