Assistant Professor

Barna Konkoly-Thege

Psychotherapy, Humanities, and Psychosocial Interventions, Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
500 Church St, Penetanguishene, Ontario Canada L9M 1G3
Appointment Status

Dr. Konkoly-Thege completed his education in his native Hungary, earning his BA (psychology) and MA (clinical and health psychology) from Eotvos Lorand University, and his doctorate (clinical and health psychology) from Semmelweis University. He also possesses a master’s degree in religious studies from Pazmany Peter University.

Following his graduation, Dr. Konkoly-Thege became an assistant professor of medical psychology at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Semmelweis University (2009-2012) where parallel to his research and teaching activities he served as a clinical psychologist at the outpatient mental health centre of the institution. To widen the scope of his practice, he also worked as a clinician for a private foundation supporting the long-term mental health care of those in need. Since 2012, he has been in part time private practice as a clinical psychologist in addition to his role as researcher at the University of Calgary (2012-2015) and the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care (2015-present).

Research Synopsis

Dr. Konkoly-Thege's research interest includes behavioural and substance addictions, psychometrics, positive psychology, psychological aspects of somatic illnesses, stress management, and the effectiveness of non-mainstream psychotherapeutic methods. He is glad to supervise research interns at Waypoint and can also co-supervise thesis work for graduate students.