
Albert Wong

Neurosciences and Clinical Translation


Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
250 College St, 323, Medical Sciences, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5T 1R8
Appointment Status

Albert Wong is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. He attended medical school at the University of Toronto, where he completed specialty training in psychiatry and a PhD in neurobiology.


Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Medical Science

Research Synopsis

Our lab is interested in disease mechanisms in mental disorders like schizophrenia, depression and PTSD. We use animal models to investigate gene x environment interactions, epigenetics, transcription and neurodevelopment. We also have human clinical samples and studies probing spatial navigation in a VR environment.

Students have the opportunity to work on a number of related projects:

(1) miR137 gene mutant mouse models - characterization of behaviour, brain development, and molecular pathology related to schizophrenia;

(2) Clinical and molecular studies of new treatments for PTSD;

(3) Heritability of DNA methylation profiles and effects on behavioural phenotype in the mouse;

(4) Virtual reality tools for assessment and treatment in psychiatry.