Annual Report 2022-2023: Division of Geriatric Psychiatry

Division Reports

Submitted by Dr. Tarek Rajji, Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry

Over the past year, the Geriatric Psychiatry Division continued to promote collaborative activities across the academic sites. In partnership with geriatric and family medicine, Old Age Medicine mandatory rotation for medical students, including in geriatric psychiatry, is formalized. A website for research studies across our division was launched to promote access for patients and referrals by clinicians. The division continued to promote and support the International Geriatric Mental Health (I-GeMH) Rounds. Faculty continued to be active in education, research and creative professional activity and this is reflected by new recruitment and promotion, as well as multiple cross-institutional publications and grants.  The division is looking forward to more collaborative initiatives over the next year to accelerate access to geriatric psychiatry across different settings of the healthcare system.