Annual Report 2022-2023: Baycrest

Hospital Partner Reports

Submitted by Dr. Rob Madan, Psychiatrist-in-Chief

Baycrest is an academic health sciences centre that is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto. Baycrest provides a wide range of clinical services with a comprehensive continuum of care for older adults. The Baycrest strategic plan is coming to an end at 2023 and a new plan is in development. The past year has presented with a significant challenge due to deferred care from the pandemic. Waiting lists for our ambulatory services had grown significantly. The ambulatory leadership and teams, along with our quality partners, worked together to create and implement an innovative triage process along with changes in practice. This has reduced the wait time by 50% and the highest priority referrals are now able to be seen within 30 days. Baycrest has successfully recruited another geriatric psychiatrist to add to the existing complement. Baycrest psychiatrists continue to be active in scholarship (research, innovation, and education), clinical care, and administration. Finally, Baycrest has successfully launched the I-GEMH rounds which are international geriatric psychiatry rounds. This involved national and international collaboration and cross-promotion. Attendance at these rounds has typically been over 100 participants per rounds.